First thing first, what is Psychotherapy?

Simply, psychotherapy is a psychological tool used to address a mental health challenge that interferes with your daily functioning or your sense of well being. It generally means structured interactions with a trained mental health professional.

The practice of psychotherapy, as defined by the Ontario's Psychotherapy Act, is "the assessment and treatment of cognitive, emotional or behavioural disturbances by psychotherapeutic means, delivered through a therapeutic relationship based primarily on verbal or non-verbal communication."

What does it actually look like?

For the most part, engaging in psychotherapy means we will be exploring - mostly through verbal discussion (though creative arts and body-focused exercises may also be utilized) - the hows and whys of your challenge, within the context of a confidential, contained, and connected therapeutic relationship. Hopefully in the process, we would come to an understanding of, and perhaps a way through, the situation you are wrestling with. The duration of therapy depends on many factors, such as the complexity of your challenges, financial limitations, mutual agreement on goals, etc. In my practice, we would aim for an agreed upon optimal number of sessions, and re-assess our work as we move along.

Why should you turn to psychotherapy for help?

There are many other options to look into for counsel and support beside psychotherapy – self help books, friends, mentors, inspiring films, traveling, etc. Quite often, therapy can work well in conjunction with these other supportive venues. There are many advantages to having professional help with your problem. Firstly, unlike self-help books or other general offers, with a therapist, you'd be working with set of tools tailored specifically to your unique situation. Secondly, at some foggy junctures in your life, sharing with a therapist may feel more freeing than turning to friends or family for assistance. A therapist's focus is solely on your challenges, and a therapeutic relationship can itself be a source of healing. Finally, your personal growth is encouraged and witnessed by someone who seeks to understand you while working with you towards your goals. There is much empowerment and validation in this journey should you choose to take it.

What should you consider before engaging in psychotherapy?

Change can be scary. For some, there's a fear of letting go of a well-worn habit, a familiar pain, or what you don’t know yet to happen. To change, you may need to make hard decisions and perhaps face some of your fears.

Sometimes though, you don’t know how ready you are until you take a leap.

If you feel you are not ready at this point ...

If therapy is not yet on the table to at this point, consider the following to help you have a clearer picture of what would be helpful to you:

1. What are the costs and benefits of continuing your current course? Making changes?
2. Imagine that you no longer have your particular problem tomorrow: what would be different for you? What would you do differently? Where can you start?

If you decide to engage in psychotherapy, the next step is to figure out what will work for you, and that starts with finding your therapist.


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